
9 Times When Hollywood Celebs Lost Their Fashion Sense Completely

9 Times When Hollywood Celebs Lost Their Fashion Sense Completely
Unconsciously, most of us humans follow the trends and ideas imposed or showcased by the so-called ‘celebrities’ in our society. There is this mindset that make some to believe that celebrities have more credibility to walk the talk, or to embody what they wear. Apparently, as social’symbols’, they express their own preferences–which depend on the ever-changing society, its circumstances and the demands people and other driving forces are pushing forth.

Celebrities must pick the best things which appear appropriate to their image, their ideas as well as their morals. But on top of these priority preferences, celebrities have their list of what-simply-should-we-not-wear-for-reasons. Upon checking out on the list, I had to check twice and validate these claims. After that, I was really convinced. The list must be legitimate.

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