
Santiago Zoo incident Man strips naked and jumps into a Chilean zoo to feed himself to a big cat

Santiago Zoo incident Man strips naked and jumps into a Chilean zoo to feed himself to a big cat
A man who stripped naked and entered a lion enclosure in a Chilean zoo has survived the incident, but the lions were killed.
Santiago authorities confirmed that the two lions were put down as they severely mauled the 20-year-old man who had broken into their cage early on Saturday.  
The man, who has been named by local media as Franco Luis Ferrada Roman, was taken to a nearby hospital for treatment and was said to be in grave condition.
The young man broke into the enclosure, took off his clothes and jumped into the middle, horrifying other visitors who witnessed the attack. 
Once inside, the lions reportedly immediately pounced on him and began to 'play' with him. 
At this point, zookeepers intervened in the attack and shot the two lions in order to save his life.
The director of the zoo, Alejandra Montalva, said: 'We believe that this person entered as a visitor and paid for his ticket.


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Unconsciously, most of us humans follow the trends and ideas imposed or showcased by the so-called ‘celebrities’ in our society. There is this mindset that make some to believe that celebrities have more credibility to walk the talk, or to embody what they wear. Apparently, as social’symbols’, they express their own preferences–which depend on the ever-changing society, its circumstances and the demands people and other driving forces are pushing forth.

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